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New Year message from Rinpoche.
Tashi Delek Dear Dharma students and friends. I read a beautiful message recently by the author T.S.Eliot.
‘For last year’s words belong to last year’s language.
And next year’s words await another voice.’
I want to send my heartfelt thoughts and blessings as we come to the end of 2020, a worrisome pandemic year. I wish you and your loved ones happy and healthy. Please take extra steps to stay safe.
In April of this year, I started “Wednesday’s with Rinpoche”, sharing with the global Facebook community tools and techniques to develop and sustain inner strength. Each Wednesday, I’ve focused on aspects of how we can build inner strength to live happier more peacefully in the face of great difficulty. Each week many of you have asked questions generating good dharma discussions.
As we learned how to navigate live-streaming, we have been keeping in touch by offering programs via Zoom.
2021 is considered by Tibetan astrology as the year of the Iron Ox a fitting symbol of perseverance, energy, honesty and positivity. The Iron Ox is associated with carefulness, loyalty and effort. In 2021 I am looking to offer an in-depth series and life-stream workshops as we continue with stay-at-home while the world begins to heal from the pandemic.
From January 2021 through May of 2021 we will be establishing a matching funds campaign for funds to build a new Za Pang Thang nunnery. The old nunnery was closed this year when a main supporting wall crumbled and collapsed, making the nunnery unsafe and impossible to repair. I am thinking to launch this project mid-January and run through May when the building season resumes.
As we come to the end of this challenging year, we are moving into an encouraging New Year. If vaccine efforts worldwide go as planned, I hope we can emerge safely from our isolation.
I keep you and yours in my daily prayers. I look forward to easier days in 2021 with wishes I can see you in person, that our doors will open and we can join together as a spiritual family and dharma community.
Happy New Year!
Zachoeje Rinpoche
Please join the Emaho Benefactor Circle by becoming an Emaho benefactor. In pledging whatever you can donate monthly, you help shoulder the financial responsibilities of Emaho Foundation. As a benefactor you join our growing Emaho family.
ZaChoeje Rinpoche has requested of us to recite Drupthop Thangtong Gyalpo's Vajra speech-A Prayer for Pacifying the Fear of Disease. Click on "Read more: A request from Rinpoche" below to see the entire prayer and to listen to the Geshes chanting this auspicious prayer in Tibetan.
Read more ...In 2017 Emaho embarked on a regional water project to test the safety of the water in Rinpoche's Tehor region of Eastern Tibet. This year, 2018, we conducted another series of tests, making comparisons. ZaChoeje Rinpoche is looking at implementing green technologies that will allow critical development that does not adversly affect the unique Tibetan landscape, its people, and its culture.
>> Read more about this important project, one of the many we undertake to support Rinpoche and the Tibetan people.
Child poverty has reached record levels in the US, with now almost 17 million children affected.
Emaho continues to support those in need. We ask everyone coming to events at the Emaho Center to bring, each time they come, a non-perishable food item for Mom's Pantry in north Phoenix.
» Read more about our donations to Mom's Pantry
Our Sangha brought their beloved pets for blessings from our kind and generous teacher, ZaChoeje Rinpoche. (photos from 2016)
Rinpoche's May 1, 2016, teaching on "37 Factors of Enlightenment" is now available on YouTube.
Click here.
A 2005 teaching on Tonglen has also been posted.
Click here.
Zachoeje Rinpoche and Emaho Foundation do not follow any involvement with the practice of (Dolgyal) Shugden. We do not endorse any persons or institutions that are associated with Dolgyal Shugden. Read more (PDF)
11435 North Cave Creek Road; # 3
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Click here to find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Buddhism and Emaho.
We extend our kind welcome to Emaho Center. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable.
There are things we do in the temple and in the center that may be new to you.
We take off our shoes as a sign of respect. The floors can be cold. You are welcome to wear socks or bring slippers.
Read more ...Amazon Smile and Fry’s Grocery Store have both a set up community rewards programs.
When you shop you can support Emaho Foundation.
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