2016 - Workshops and Events
Join us at our annual Ahimsa event to celebrate the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that literally translates to nonviolence.
"I consider non-violence to be compassion in action. It doesn’t mean weakness, cowering in fear, or simply doing nothing. It is to act without violence, motivated by compassion, recognising the rights of others.'"
His Holiness The Dalai Lama
We take the opportunity to celebrate not only His Holiness' kindness and wisdom, but to celebrate our community.
4:15pm Community Meeting
5:00pm Documentary Film: Dalai Lama's Compassion in Action
- Open your heart, and become the change. What truly brings us happiness? What are the essential problems facing our world today, and how can we solve them? What is at the heart and soul of the cultural Hungry Ghosts that seek happiness and fulfillment through money and things, instead of from within? In this inspiring and thought-provoking film, "Compassion in Action," the Dalai Lama and some of the most innovative and revolutionary thinkers of our time explore the sources of unhappiness and happiness in our world. This film is a deeper exploration of the ideas presented in the internationally successful documentary film "Dalai Lama Awakening" (narrated by actor Harrison Ford), directed by award-winning Producer-Director Khashyar Darvich.
Recitation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's and ZaChoeje's long life prayers.
5:45-7:00pm Ice Cream Social and community fun
We have lined up awesome raffle prizes.
To celebrate, the Treasure Vase Store is offering 20% off all store items.
A great place for your holiday shopping.
A Way to Support the Schoolchildren of Tibet
We're collecting super warm coats, gloves and scarves for boys and girls age 6 to 16.
In talking with the people of Tehor, Tibet, this past summer, ZaChoeje Rinpoche saw the need for warm clothing for the kids who travel to school. Having our community bring and then ship clothing, as opposed to sending money to buy clothing, will not only keep the kids warm as they trek in the bitter cold but the items from us help tie our communities in tangible ways. Between now and Ahimsa, being celebrated Saturday, December 10th, drop off donated clothing items at the center. Please bring new or gently used items.
After Ahimsa we'll pack up and ship these items to Tibet. If you would like to donate towards shipping, please make a donation earmarked for this one-time project.
During Rinpoche's initial trip to Tibet he stressed the importance of education and encouraged parents to send their kids to school. It's not an easy hike or horse ride to the school on the best of days. Some villages are remote and children must travel for hours. The increase in student population has grown ten-fold since Rinpoche requested parents to make their kids' education a priority.
The children's trek to school in the long dark winter is made difficult by the biting cold and snow. But they still get to school. Through our sangha's thoughtfulness, the kid's having warm clothing from America helps the Tibetan community see we care, that we reach out to them in compassion in action.
Lojong Teaching with ZaChoeje Rinpoche :November 12
Saturday November 12
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Lojong (Tib. བློ་སྦྱོང) is a mind-training practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition that involves refining the intention and attitude of Mind. This practice enable us to use our difficulties and problems to awaken our loving compassionate hearts. The Lojong teachings are organized around seven points by 12th century Master Chekawa and it has been very effective for centuries.
Rinpoche will teach the seven point mind training methods and how to apply these ancient methods into our modern way of living.
At Emaho Tibetan Center, Arizona.
Beginning October 5
We're pleased to announced we are offering a new video series: Buddha, The Life and Journey of Prince Siddhartha. The series describes his journey towards attaining enlightenment, becoming Buddha and revolutionizing society. This series was produced in India by B.K. Modi with the blessing of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. ZaChoeje Rinpoche says the series gives the viewer deep insight in the life of Buddha.
This epic drama is told with world-renowned actors, incredible costumes, and beautiful scenery. You can't help but fall immediately into the film, wanting to see what transpires next. The series was produced on a scale and grandeur rarely seen.
Each week we'll show the same one episode three times:
- Wednesdays 11-12
- Fridays 2-3
- Sundays 11-12
In addition, two episodes will be shown every other week on
- Saturdays at 7pm, beginning October 15
Teaching with ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Two teachings are scheduled:
September 24-25
October 1-2
10 am - 4 pm
Relax into the true nature of mind.
This is a unique workshop that will help us to see the true nature of mind, then let go of the apprehension and relaxing into it. This teaching is a direct introduction to the true nature of mind and how to relax into our primordial Buddha nature from Tibetan Buddhist point of view.
Suggested donation is $ 108 for the full week-end, but no one is turned away for lack of funding.
Hearts on Fire Fall Fundraiser :Saturday November 5
Hearts On Fire, our fundraiser on November 5th, will be a wonderful day, spending time with ZaChoeje Rinpoche, Geshe-la, friends and family while supporting Emaho by raising needed funds.
We're planning an exciting fun-filled event. The Pet Blessing will be in the afternoon. The evening event will include a slide show and talk by Rinpoche about his monastery project in Tehor, Tibet. We've planned a marvelous dinner and amazing desserts. You can bid on awesome auction items just in time for the holidays. This year we'll have a "buy it now boutique."
Read more: Hearts on Fire Fall Fundraiser :Saturday November 5
Workshop with ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Saturday/Sunday, May 14-15, 10 am - 4 pm
Many of the most powerful life events are tied to death. Understanding the clear light experience of death will help us to live in peace and die with grace. During this weekend workshop Rinpoche will teach, from the Tibetan Buddhist point of view, the meaning of the clear light, ascending and descending order of that experience during death, and how to help oneself and others during that powerful transition of consciousness.
The suggested donation for the weekend is $108.
Workshop with Rinpoche
April 16-17, 10 am - 4 pm
In Sanskrit it is BodhiPaksha Dharma 37 which means 37 Nirvana's side or direction qualities.
In the scripture it is explained in seven sets of such qualities of Nirvana. They are referred as complementary facets of the Path to Enlightenment in Buddhism. Understanding these characteristics of Nirvana will help us to bring more positive features in our mind stream and become more open towards Enlightenment. Rinpoche will teach this profound teaching in detail and simple method.
Please mark your calendar for the Saka Dawa celebration on May 21 10am.
Saka Dawa is the celebration of Buddha Shakyamuni's Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirwana. It is one of the most sacred days for Buddhists. Please join Rinpoche at Emaho for the traditional Saka Dawa ceremony, Bathing the Buddha. Rinpoche will share the meaning and benefits as you participate.
The traditional ceremony will be followed by Tsok. If you would like to help with preparations, please bring flowers for the altar and fruit and sweets for Tsok to show admiration to the Buddha and his teachings while accumulating virtue.

Emaho's annual retreat
May 27, 28 and 29 2016
The retreat will be held at Emaho center
It had been asked of Rinpoche to bestow the Golden Tara empowerment.
This will be the first time Rinpoche will offer this auspicious empowerment.
The Yellow-Golden Tara is the Goddess of increasing enrichment and abundance, remover of poverty and bringer of good fortune and generosity.
During the retreat Rinpoche will teach and share with us the profound practice, explaining ways to correctly practice, answering questions and giving us his wise and compassionate guidance.
The empowerment ceremony is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition handed down from Master to Master, going back to Shakyamuni Buddha himself. Having our true lineage master bestow and explain the nuances of this precious Golden Tara empowerment allows us to engage in the practice, benefiting ourselves and others by bringing spiritual and material enrichments.
Friday May 27
6:00 pm Doors open, registration
7:00 pm to 8:30pm Welcoming ceremony and introduction by ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Saturday May 28
7:00 am Coffee and tea
7:30-8:30am Tibetan meditation
8:30-9:30 Light breakfast
9:00-10:00 registration
10:00am Empowerment
Noon-1:30pm Lunch at the center
2:00-4:30 Introduction on how to practice
5:30-6:30pm Dinner at the center
7:00-8:00Practice with Rinpoche
Sunday May 29
6:30am Coffee and tea
7:00-8:00am Tibetan meditation
8:30-9:30am Breakfast at the center
10:00-noon Practice with Rinpoche
12:30-1:30pm Lunch at the center
2:00-4:15pm Practice with Rinpoche and tsok
5:00-7:00pm Snacks
7:00pm Retreat closes
Kindly register before May 22 with Paypal or send a check to Emaho Foundation, PO Box 1563, Litchfield Park AZ 85340-1563. If you send your registration by mail, please include your e-mail address so that we can communicate with you.
Please understand the option for empowerment only is not available for this retreat.
with ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Sunday February 7 2016 10am-4pm
Wisdom and Compassion are considered two wings of the eagle of spiritual awakening. They are inseparable, and they need each other to be its truest self.
Great compassion is the most important quality that we possess by nature and our true nature is inherently empty.
During this workshop Rinpoche will teach how to develop the two wings of wisdom and compassion from the Prasanghika school point of view.
Suggested donation $ 50
No one is turned away for lack of funds
Emaho is welcoming 2016 with our annual mantrathon. Especially given the violent events we have recently witnessed, natural disasters, people displaced from home and sometimes country, and global unrest, we can contribute to peaceful intentions by spending a day joining with our dharma brother sisters and friends in a mindful day of mantra recitation. Our annual mantrathon will be held with wishes for a peaceful year, a year of benefical resolution to world problems, a year of healing and happiness.
The mantrathon will be a worldwide community event, with practitioners from Tashi Gaden Chopeling monastery in Tibet, nuns in Tehor, the people in Rinpoche's region in Tibet, residents of Drepung Loseling in India, Rinpoche's students in New Zealand, friends from Japan, the sangha from Yakima, friends in New Mexico, and of course, our Emaho Phoenix sangha.
We will send out a stream of Avalokiteshvara's mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, to surround ourselves and the world with loving kindness. Avalokiteshvara, or Chenrezig, is the embodiment of the compassion of all Buddhas.
You are welcome to stay all day, drop in when your schedule permits, or join us from home.
- 6:45am bagels, juice, coffee and tea
- First session 7:30am-9:30am
- Break 9:30am -10:00am
- Second session 10:00am-noon
- Lunch: soup and bread Noon - 1:30pm
- Third session 1:30pm -3:30pm
- Break 3:30 pm - 4:30pm
- Fourth session 4:30pm -5:40pm
Most importantly, Emaho's Mantrathon welcomes the new year with friendship and our wishes for a peaceful year.
The mantrathon is also a global fundraiser in which we raise money to continue the work of ZaChoeje Rinpoche and to support Emaho's three-fold mission.
The mantrathon will begin at sunrise and end at sunset.
In Phoenix sunrise is 7:33 am, sunset 5:40.
Gather friends and family to help your effort, having them pledge an amount for each mantra recited, each hundred or thousand mantras.
We suggest a donation of $108. Please know that, with or without donation, all are always welcome.
Please keep track of your mantra collection and email your numbers to mail@emahofoundation.org. We will tally and announce the number of Om Mani Pade Hums chanted globally, posting the number we have collected for the sake of all.