2010 - Workshops and Events

Life Empowerment of Amitayus Sunday Dec 19 10 am

with ZaChoeje Rinpoche

Download Amitayus Mantra in pdf format.

Rinpoche will bestow the Life Empowerment of Amitayus this Sunday.

If you will be joining us for this event, note that it is tradiitional to observe a vegetarian diet on the day of Action Tantra Empowerments such as this. We ask that participants observe this tradition.

If you would like to bring an offering, participants are invited to bring red flowers (fresh or potted). This is not a requirement but only a suggestion. If you feel in your heart that you would like to bring an offering, then red flowers are appropriate.

The suggested donation for this event is $40. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Buddha Amitayus, the bestower of Longevity, is the Enlightened quality of long life and good fortune. Rinpoche will grant the life empowerment of Amitayus, initiating the blessings and awakening our mind to that Enlightened quality. 

By receiving “life empowerment of Amitayus”, one can strengthen the life-span, increase good fortune, and enrich lives with pure passion.

Rinpoche will also offer Amitayus mantra transmission during the ceremony. We can use the mantra to remove obstacles that endanger the lives of self and others. 

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Literary Tibetan, Track 1 to be rescheduled

The Literary Tibetan series set for this summer will be rescheduled for midsummer or perhaps the fall. Watch for the new dates.

Learning the history of the Tibetan language and being able to recognize and pronounce characters aids us in realizing the full potential of our Buddhist studies.

Materials and handouts are provided and students participate in an online blog to share questions, concerns and course notes. Included in the curriculum is language history, recognition and pronunciation of the characters of the alphabet, basic grammar, phrase construction and useful vocabulary.

To learn more about the series, email Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org.

Lam Rim Intensive with Geshe Jampa Begins November 6

Lam Rim: The Gradual Path to Enlightenment

New Series Begins November 6, 2010
(continues on Saturdays for 8 sessions)
5:00-6:30 PM

We are happy to offer a special opportunity to receive teachings on the Lam Rim from Geshe Jampa. The Lam Rim Intensive (The Path to Enlightenment) will consist of 8 sessions of 1-1/2 hours each, to be held once a week on every Saturday. This is a great opportunity to study in the monastic style, in a personal setting with a learned Geshe.

The Lam Rim, known as the gradual path to enlightenment, contains the essence of the 84,000 teachings of the Buddha. When one studies the Lam Rim, one studies the three principal aspects of the path, leading one ultimately to a full realization of the aspects of renunciation, bodhicitta, and emptiness. The skillful teachings of the gradual path are meant for all practitioners, whether of small, medium, or great scope.

In the early eleventh century, the Indian Buddhist master Atisha condensed the essential points of the Buddha's teachings into the text Lamp of the Path. These teachings were then expanded in the fourteenth century by the Great master Lama Tsong-Kha-pa, the founder of the Gelug Tradition into the text The Great Exposition on the Gradual Path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim Chenmo). These texts form the basis of our contemporary understanding of the Buddha's teachings.

"Of the many works of the Tibetan master Tsong-kha-pa, none compare in terms of popularity and breadth of influence with 'The Great treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment' (Lam rim chen mo), which has been treasured by practitioners and scholars alike for centuries. What distinguishes it as one of the principal texts of Mahayana Buddhism is its scope and clarity. The various stages of the path are presented so clearly and systematically that they can be easily understood and are inspiring to put into practice. " 
 --- H.H The Dalai Lama

The Lam Rim covers all the major teachings of the Buddha, including topics such as the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eight Fold Path, Karma - the law of causality, Refuge of the Three Jewels, Relying upon a Spiritual Guide, the Twelve links of Interdependent Origination, Impermanent and Death, Bodhichitta, Emptiness and so on.

Join your Emaho friends in this profound study of one of Buddhism's great texts.

Recommended reading:

  • Path to Bliss by His Holiness The Dalai Lama
  • Path to Enlightenment by His Holiness The Dalai Lama

The cost for the full 8 classes will be $85. We ask that you please register and pay in advance with the PayPal button below, or send the check to Emaho Foundation at PO Box 3014, Scottsdale AZ 85271, or pay at the Center in person before Oct 30.

No one is ever turned away for lack of funds. The proceeds will support the operations of Emaho Center.

Geshe Jampa will offer a Certificate of Attendance to the students at the last session of the teaching. If you have attended Geshe-la's previous Lam Rim Class, you are welcome to repeat the class for free.

For more information, or to register, please call 480-704-4169 or e-mail Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org

SCHEDULE:  Saturdays 5 - 6.30 pm

Film Club Monday Nov 22 6-8:30 pm

At Mustang Library, Scottsdale, Arizona. Film followed by discussion with Rinpoche.

We will be showing the Japanese film "Departures" by Yojiro Takita, followed by a discussion with Rinpoche.

Film description: When his orchestra disbands, Daigo Kobayashi decides to start over and moves back to his small hometown. Desperate for work, he secretly takes a job as a "Nokanshi", a funeral professional who prepares the deceased for burial and entrance into the next life. But while working with the families of the departed, Daigo embarks on a spiritual journey of his own as he finally experiences the joy and wonder of living.

Literary Tibetan, Track 1 to be rescheduled

The Literary Tibetan series set for this summer will be rescheduled for midsummer or perhaps the fall. Watch for the new dates.

Learning the history of the Tibetan language and being able to recognize and pronounce characters aids us in realizing the full potential of our Buddhist studies.

Materials and handouts are provided and students participate in an online blog to share questions, concerns and course notes. Included in the curriculum is language history, recognition and pronunciation of the characters of the alphabet, basic grammar, phrase construction and useful vocabulary.

To learn more about the series, email Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org.

Meditation through Art October 16, 23, 30

Class conducted by Rick Weir and Jackie Sepulveda

  • Saturday October 16, 11 am - 12 noon
  • Saturday October 23, 11 am - 1:30 pm
  • Saturday October 30, 11 am - 1:30 pm

NOTE: This three-Saturday class is now full: if there is sufficient demand, a second session will be offered at a later time.

Learn a style of painting similar to Tibetan Thanka mandala/figure painting. Beginners welcome!

Emaho will be presenting a three-Saturday "Meditation through Art" class conducted by Rick Weir and Jackie Sepulveda.

This is open to anyone whether you have art skills or are a complete beginner. Some materials will be provided which we will discuss at the first meeting. Material costs will be held to a minimum.

The first class (October 16) will be a 1 hr. session, 11 am to 12 noon. The remaining two Saturdays (October 23 and 30) will be 2-1/2hrs. long. Total cost for registration is $25.00 (that's a little over $8.00 per class). We request a minimum of 8 people to sign up, and a maximum of 12 people for the first session.

Examples of the paintings are on display at Emaho.

The class will be facilitated by longtime Sangha member Rick Weir. Rick obtained his Master of Fine Arts degree from ASU, taught art and Advance Placement Art History for 25 years in Southern California and has participated in many group and solo shows and exhibits throughout the US.
Rick's kind and supportive nature will put even first timers at ease.
"I believe anyone can achieve some sense of satisfaction by painting. It's not my intention to discover or make the next Rembrandt. Art should be fun and not taken too seriously".

Please let us know you are coming by emailing us at mail@emahofoundation.org

Healing with Medicine Buddha Meditation and Mantra October 3

Rinpoche will explain how to bring healing to yourself and others by using the Medicine Buddha meditation and mantra.

Everybody is welcome: having received the Medicine Buddha Empowerment is not a requirement.

Death and Dying Related to Medicine Buddha September 12

Living transitions into Death and dying transitions into Life. Life is the other side of Death and they are inevitable. Understanding and mastering Life and Death is one of the greatest spiritual methods in Tibetan Buddhism. Through the Medicine Buddha practice we can bring more balance in Life and Death.

Please come and welcome Rinpoche back. This teaching is open to all: it is not necessary to have attended previous Medicine Buddha teachings or Empowerments.

SPECIAL FUNDRAISER FOR EMAHO: The Bodhisattva Teens will serve lunch to support Emaho in its fundraising efforts. The menu will be veggi lasagne, salad, bread stick, a drink and cookie for $7.

Discovering Dharma Begins July 10, 2010

We are happy to offer a special opportunity to receive teachings on Discovering Dharma from Geshe Jampa. Discovering Dharma will consist of a series of 8 classes, 1-1/2 hours each, to be held once a week. This is a great opportunity to study in the monastic style, in a personal setting with a learned Geshe. See registration details below.

The four main topics of Buddhist teaching that Geshe-la will cover are:

1. Dhammapada - 6 chapters
2. Mind Training (Lojong )
3. Aspects of Mind ( including 51 mental factors )
4. A brief Introduction to Tantra


The Dhammapada contains the most essential teachings of the Buddha. "Dhamma" means teaching and "pada" means path, so it is the path or way of the teaching. It is not one lengthy discourse, but a compilation of what are said to be the Buddha's utterances over many years, brought together by his disciples to give the true nature of his unique understanding. Six chapters will be covered in this course.


The practice of mind training is based on the essential Mahayana teachings of impermanence, compassion, and the exchange of self and other that the eleventh-century master Atisha brought to Tibet from India. Lojong teachings are a source of inspiration and guidance shared by masters of all Tibetan traditions. The follow two main mind training texts will be covered in this course. Eight Verses of Mind Training by Langri Thangpa and Seven Point Mind Training by master Chekhawa.


Aspects of mind is the study of consciousness of mind. Understanding mind is essential to understanding Buddhism in both its theoretical and practical aspects, for the process of achieving enlightenment is one of systematically purifying and enhancing the mind. The analysis of mind in Buddhism is both multifaceted and sophisticated. As a spiritual practice, Buddhism contains numerous descriptions of the nature and function of the mind and instructions on how to search for, abide with, and refine it.


Learn the definition of Tantra, how tantra works and why it is a powerful form of practice. Get a broad overview of the four classes of Tantra. The word Tantra means an everlasting continuum. Everlasting continuums operate on three levels: as a basis, a pathway, and result. In short, Tantra involves an everlasting continuum of practice with Buddha-figures to purify our everlasting mental continuum of its fleeting stains, in order to achieve, on its basis, the everlasting continuum of the bodies of a Buddha.


The cost for the full series of 8 classes will be $80. We ask that you register in advance with the PayPal button below; or you can pay at the first session if you pre-register by calling or emailing Emaho. For more information about the series or to pre-register, please call 480-704-4169 or email Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org

SCHEDULE: Saturdays 5-6.30 PM
Total of eight classes for $80.

Sacred Relics of the Buddha August 13, 6:00 pm

Maitreya Project Relic Tour - Sacred Relics of the Buddha

Opening Ceremony with Geshe Jampa
Friday August 13, 6:00 pm

Unity Church of Mesa
2700 E. Southern Ave, Mesa
August 13 -15 2010
for more info, unityofmesa.org or maitreyaproject.org

This unique and precious collection of more than 1000 sacred Buddhist relics is traveling throughout the world to bring blessings. Most of the relics resemble beautiful pearl-like crystals. Relics are considered very holy and precious. They are manifested and left behind due to the kindness of holy beings in order for us sentient beings to collect merit and purify obscurations.

Join us at Unity Church of Mesa as Geshe Jampa conducts the opening ceremony of this auspicious event.

Birthday Party for Rinpoche August 1, 12:30 pm

Join us in this auspicious occasion to celebrate the birthday of our teacher. Families are welcome.

Please e-mail Donna Tash at donna@emahofoundation.org and let her know what dish you will bring and if you are available with setting up and cleaning up.

Medicine Buddha Phowa Saturday July 18

Please join us to welcome Rinpoche back! Come this Saturday, July 18, 10 am - 4 pm, for a special teaching on Phowa.

Phowa, or "transference of consciousness at the time of death," is the profound Buddhist method to deal with the after-death. It also enables us to experience pure land in our next life. Through a combination of breaths, mantras and visualization of Medicine Buddha, a practitioner can transfer his or her consciousness from the Golden Door (crown).

Master Marpa said "If you study Phowa, then at the time of death, you will not be in despair. If beforehand you have become accustomed to the path of phowa, then at the time of death, you will be full of confidence."

Saka Dawa Celebration May 30 10 am

Led by ZaChoeje Rinpoche, hosted by the Children's Hour and the Bodhisattva Teens

The celebration of Saka Dawa at Emaho has been rescheduled for Sunday May 30. This year it will be a family celebration.

Rinpoche has requested Emaho's children and teen groups to be the hosts for this auspicious event. The children and teens invite you to stay for cookies, milk, tea and coffee immediately following the ceremony.

Please join us for Emaho's first family celebration led by Rinpoche.

Saka Dawa, an auspicious day in Tibetan Buddhism, is the celebration of Buddha Shakyamuni's birthday, enlightenment and Parinirwana (passing away). In Tibet, this is the most important holy day of the year, a day to remember Buddha.

According to Tibetan tradition, the day that marks the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni's enlightenment and parinirvana is the full moon day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar. According to Theravada tradition it is marked on full moon day of the third month lunar calendar.

Medicine Buddha Retreat May 21-23

Emaho's 7th Annual Retreat. Medicine Buddha Empowerment and Retreat with Rinpoche at Dairy Springs Group Campground in Flagstaff AZ.

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. Please email Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org to be included on the waiting list.

Download flyer with map and full information

Download flyer with the Story of the Medicine Buddha

This summer, Rinpoche will offer a retreat that will include empowerment in the Tibetan Buddhist Medicine Buddha meditation practice.

Medicine Buddha is considered an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom in alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings. By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha we are able to create beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness into our lives and the lives of others.

For those who do not wish to take the Empowerment, the initiation can be taken as a blessing. For everyone involved, regardless of level of participation, the Medicine Buddha teaching serves as a universal tool to cultivate compassion and courage in oneself.

The retreat will take place at the Dairy Springs Campground in Flagstaff, Arizona. Mormon Lake Lodge has cabins for those who prefer not to camp, and Flagstaff (about 40 minute drive) has hotels. Further information will be available on the Emaho website during the month of April.

EVENT: Rinpoche will confer the Empowerment on Saturday May 22 at 9 AM. You may come on Saturday for the Empowerment only. The full retreat begins on Friday and ends Sunday.

You may take the Empowerment only. Rinpoche will offer instruction on the practice during the full retreat.

REGISTRATION: The cost for this special event will be $150 for the entire weekend. The cost for the one-day Empowerment and teaching on Saturday is $108; however, no one will be turned away from the one-day event for lack of funds. Payment is non-refundable unless Emaho cancels the event. If you are unable to attend, you may count the payment as a tax-deductible donation to Emaho Foundation.

(flyer revised 4/17/10)

Literary Tibetan, Track 1 January-March 2010

Due to multiple requests, Geshe Jampa has agreed to repeat Track 1 of Literary Tibetan. You can register with the PayPal button below, or pay at the beginning of the series. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Learning the history of the Tibetan language and being able to recognize and pronounce characters aids us in realizing the full potential of our Buddhist studies.

A series of 10 classes provides an introduction to the Tibetan language. If you attended any of the previous series, you can repeat at no cost.


  • Saturdays, 12-1:30 pm
    The Tibetan Language class, originally scheduled to begin on January 23, has been postponed and will begin in a few weeks. A notice will be sent out when the schedule is determined.
  • Total of 10 classes for $100

Materials and handouts are provided and students participate in an online blog to share questions, concerns and course notes. Included in the curriculum is language history, recognition and pronunciation of the characters of the alphabet, basic grammar, phrase construction and useful vocabulary.

To register for the series, you can use the Paypal button below, or email Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org that you will be attending and pay at the first session.

Total of 10 classes for $100

Lam Rim Intensive with Geshe Jampa Begins January 2010

All of the teachings of the Buddha should appear as a form of practice for us to undertake.
from Practicing the Path by Yangsi Rinpoche

New Series Begins January 16, 2010
(continues on Saturdays for 12 sessions)
5:00-6:30 PM

We are happy to offer a special opportunity to receive teachings on the Lam Rim from Geshe Jampa. The Lam Rim Intensive will consist of 12 Saturday sessions of 1-1/2 hours each. This is a great opportunity to study in the monastic style, in a personal setting with a learned Geshe.

For more information, please call 480-704-4169 or e-mail Emaho at mail@emahofoundation.org. The cost for the full 12 sessions will be $120.

Recommended reading:

  • Path to Bliss by His Holiness The Dalai Lama
  • Path to Enlightenment by His Holiness The Dalai Lama

The Lam Rim, known as the gradual path to enlightenment, contains the essence of the 84,000 teachings of the Buddha. When one studies the Lam Rim, one studies the three principal aspects of the path, leading one ultimately to a full realization of the aspects of renunciation, bodhicitta, and emptiness. The skillful teachings of the gradual path are meant for all practioners, whether of small, medium, or great scope.

In the early eleventh century, the Indian Buddhist master Atisha condensed the essential points of the Buddha's teachings into the text Lamp of the Path. These teachings were then expanded in the fourteenth century by the Tibetan Buddhist master Lama Tzong Khapa into the text The Great Exposition on the Gradual Path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim Chenmo). These texts form the basis of our contemporary understanding of the Buddha's teachings.

Join your Emaho friends in this profound study of one of Buddhism's great texts.

Register now with Paypal or register at the first session.
No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

Tathagatagarbha, The Buddha Nature Sunday April 4, 10am-4pm

Rinpoche will offer teachings on Tathagatagarbha. The incredible potential of Tathagatagarbha is common to all of us -- we are all capable of attaining this ultimate happiness state.

Join Rinpoche at Emaho Center Sunday April 4, 10 am - 4 pm.

2010 Pilgrimage to Nepal and India Feb 20- Mar 15

Follow in the Footsteps of Buddha

ZaChoeje Rinpoche will be our guide to the places Buddha himself suggested the spiritual seeker visit.

Registration begins October 20. Email Lou Ann at mail@emahofoundation.org for registration information.

Pilgrims have been sitting in practice at these sites for thousands of years. The experience of this pilgrimage helps us get closer to the essence of our practice, closer to our heart allowing us to live our lives with more compassion and understanding. 

Enrichment is the key to a rewarding journey. 

We have made a slight adjustment to the schedule beginning the trip on February 20th and concluding March 15th. These dates work better for those of you needing to take time from work. The itinerary itself will remain the same. 

If you are interested, please join us as we travel with Rinpoche through the spectacular landscapes of Nepal, India and the Himalayan foothills. Discover treasured cultures and legendary architecture. 

The best way to reach our remote destinations is bus. We set our own schedules as we travel. We have the flexibility and freedom to adjust the routing if necessary. We travel from one destination to the next on our luxury bus enjoying the ultimate in convenience and security. We'll unwind in many world-class accommodations. 

Under Rinpoche's guidance we are experienced in managing multi-destination expeditions. Travel worry-free knowing Rinpoche is dedicated to your safety and well being.

We will stay in some of the world's finest and most interesting accommodations such as the Kathamadhu Hyatt and the Taj Ganges in Varanisis. We'll take a boat ride, a taste of a bygone area. Travel overnight by train. We offer the opportunity to stay in smaller boutique properties that offer a one of a kind experience, such as the Mahayana Guest house in Bodhigaya and Taj Mahal Palace in Rewaksar in the Himalayam foothills. 

At the end of the trip we'll take our bus to Agra site of the one of the seven wonders of the world; the Taj Mahal. We'll wander this enchanting work of art, which incorporates and expands on Persian, Hindu, and Islamic styles. Admire the Taj Mahal's lovely form among the reflecting pools and gardens that surround it and observe up-close the intricate ornamentation of inlaid precious stones. 

Each property where we stay has been carefully selected for its amenities and location. In remote areas where hotels are limited we stay at the best accommodation to ensure your comfort.

It has been requested we extend the deadline for reservations and deposits to the end of October. If you are interested, please contact Lou Ann at mail@emahofoundation.org for a reservation form and a list of what is covered, what is not, airfare, reservations and payment, itinerary single/shared accommodations and suite upgrades, itinerary changes, health requirements and responsibility. 

For those interested, we welcome you and look forward to ensuring this journey is a life-changing adventure that will lead you to greater understanding and happiness.

Flyer, page 1 (2.4 MB)
Flyer, page 2 (2.7 MB)
Flyer, page 3 (2.6 MB)

(flyers revised 10/4)