2021 - Workshops and Events

Medicine Aug 16Wednesday December 12, 7:00-8:00pm MST via Zoom

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings.  By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.

Tsok May 6Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm November 28th

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 


White Tara Meditation

White Tara meditation gives us tools to invoke the spiritual energy of White Tara. In Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara is the perfect embodiment of graceful strength, wisdom and purity.  White Tara is the manifestation of the pure compassionate activities of all the Buddhas. White Tara represents the completely purified wind element which when balanced, increases virtuous karma, long life and healing.

Medicine Aug 16Friday, November 12, 7:00-8:00pm MST via Zoom

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings.  By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.


White Tara Meditation

White Tara meditation gives us tools to invoke the spiritual energy of White Tara. In Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara is the perfect embodiment of graceful strength, wisdom and purity.  White Tara is the manifestation of the pure compassionate activities of all the Buddhas. White Tara represents the completely purified wind element which when balanced, increases virtuous karma, long life and healing.


Chenrezig 16Wednesday November 19, 7:00-8:00pm MST, Zoom with Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal

Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit) is considered an enlightened emanation of the essence of all the Buddha’s love and compassion, one who applies active wisdom to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.


Chenrezig 16Wednesday October  20, 7:00-8:00pm MST, Zoom with Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal

Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit) is considered an enlightened emanation of the essence of all the Buddha’s love and compassion, one who applies active wisdom to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.

11Please join Emaho's Geshes via Zoom on Saturday, October 16 at 9:00AM MST.

By request, Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang will demonstrate how to make Tibetan Thukpa Soup with homemade noodles.  Please join Emaho's Geshes via Zoom to learn how to make this traditional recipe.

Tsok May 6Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm October 1

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

October 8October 8-9 MST 8:30pm

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give two days of teachings on Tsongkhapa's In Praise to Dependent Origination (tendrel toepa) followed by a question and answer session from approximately 9 am to 10 am (Indian Standard Time) at the request of a group of Taiwanese.  Please note His Holiness may start a few minutes early.  

White Tara Meditation

White Tara meditation gives us tools to invoke the spiritual energy of White Tara. In Tibetan Buddhism, White Tara is the perfect embodiment of graceful strength, wisdom and purity.  White Tara is the manifestation of the pure compassionate activities of all the Buddhas. White Tara represents the completely purified wind element which when balanced, increases virtuous karma, long life and healing.

Medicine Aug 16Wednesday October 13, 7:00-8:00pm MST via Zoom

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings.  By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.

Chenrezig ZoomFriday, September  20, 7:00-8:00pm MST, Zoom with Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal

Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit) is considered an enlightened emanation of the essence of all the Buddha’s love and compassion, one who applies active wisdom to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.

HH Dalai lama His Holiness the Dalai Lama will participate in a program titled Our Happiness, Our Health, Our Future: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Reflections and Conversations on Our Happy, Healthy, and Sustainable Future which will include a short talk followed by a question and answer session from 9 am to 10 am (Indian Standard Time). September 21 8:30pm mst.  His Holiness often begins His livestreams 10-15 earlier.  

Medicine Aug 16Tuesday September 14, 7:00-8:00pm MST via Zoom

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings.  By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.

Lamrim Jan 3

Sunday September 12 at 10:00am MST, Geshe Lobsang is offering the next session in the eight week series on The Great Treatise on the Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment.

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Please help celebrate Geshe Lobsang birthday Saturday, September 4, 7:00 pm MST, Zoom.  He asks that we sit virtually with him and chant Chenrezig’s mantra, Om mani Padme hum, 1,000 times and dedicate the mantra for the sake of all beings.  

Tsok May 6Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm September 2

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

Medicine Aug 16Monday, August 16, 7:00-8:00pm MST via Zoom

Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings.  By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.

ZRbirthdayWe want ZaChoeje Rinpoche waking on his birthday with his students and friends, wishing him a happy birthday.  To do that, we’ll celebrate on August 3, 7:00 pm MST, zoom.  India is one day ahead plus 12 1/2 hours.  As we celebrate Guru Yoga, Tsok, and long life prayers for Rinpoche at 7:00 pm MST, August 3, Rinpoche will be waking on his Birthday, August 4, 7:30 am IST.

86th BD HHDLPlease join us in sending prayers of gratitude and prayers for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to live long in health and accomplishing.   

Lamrim Jan 3Sunday July 11 at 10:00am MST, Geshe Lobsang is offering the next session in the eight week series on The Great Treatise on the Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment.

Momo1Please join the Geshes 
Saturday, June 26, 9:00-11:00am. mst. Zoom
Learn the art of making Momos. Momos are nearly synonymous with being Tibetan.  
By request, Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang will share with us how to cook Momos. We will post the recipe soon.  As an added item, Geshe Namgyal will show us how to make chili oil, always offered with Momos.  

Chenrezig ZoomThursday June 24, 7:00-8:00pm MST, Zoom with Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal

Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit) is considered an enlightened emanation of the essence of all the Buddha’s love and compassion, one who applies active wisdom to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.

Chenrezig ZoomFriday, July 23, 7:00-8:00pm MST, Zoom with Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal

Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit) is considered an enlightened emanation of the essence of all the Buddha’s love and compassion, one who applies active wisdom to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings.

Tsok May 6Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm June 5

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

The Tsok offering is an essential method for renewing commitments and averting obstacles. With this method, we come under the care and guidance of the Dakas and Dakinis, who bestow our eventual completion stage realization.

Our Guru is the embodiment of the Dharmakaya, the ultimate guru, the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and emptiness. Our conventional guru, the essence of which is the absolute guru.

Through effort in this practice, we develop our minds with great respect, devotion, and inspiration. Through effort in this practice, we follow the Lam-Rim path to enlightenment. For us to achieve enlightenment, the blessings of the guru must enter our hearts. The Guru Yoga Tsok practice helps us open our hearts and focus on the absolute guru. 

Zoom Webinar Information:


Passcode: Dharma  /  Webinar ID: 825 5723 1088

For the practice text see Emaho's website: https://emahofoundation.org/resources/practice.html


Buddhas BirthdayThis is one of the most important Tibetan Buddhist dates, paying homage to the historical Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana.  It is said that the positive actions done on this day are multiplied innumerable times. Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal will perform the traditional bathing Buddha ceremony on your behalf.

Tsok May 6Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm May 6

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

Prayer for IndiaLoGyonMa practice with Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang, May 2, 11:30am MST

The world is deeply affected by the evolving Covid-19 pandemic. India is now particularly hard hit with confusion, sickness and death as is Brazil. The practice of LoGyonMa, Goddess Parnashvari, can contribute to turning the tide on this deadly virus. The spiritual energy of LoGyonMa helps transform disastrous states. The recitation of the LoGyonMa practice helps stop physical, mental, spiritual, and karmic obstacles. Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang will recite the Sadhana on Facebook Live. If you would like to join with Emaho’s monks, you can download the practice.

May the practice of LoGyonMa help halt the virus that is gripping our planet, causing unspeakable suffering. We dedicate our practice of LoGyonMa to the compassionate and brave people who help on the front lines of health care and the myriad of people with jobs helping to eradicate and lead us out of this disquiet and uncertainty.

For a copy of the LoGyonMa Sadhana  >> click here

Retreat 2021You are invited

Emaho Foundation

Annual 2021 retreat.

May 28th, 29th and 30th live-stream via Zoom. 

Mountain Standard Time

By request, ZaChoeje Rinpoche has graciously agreed to bestow the White Tara Empowerment. Rinpoche will instruct us on how to best practice the White Tara, known as the Wish-fulfilling Wheel (Drolkar Yishin Khorlo).

The empowerment ceremony is a Buddhist tradition handed down from master to student, going back in an unbroken lineage to the historical Shakyamuni Buddha. Receiving the White Tara transmission permits us to engage in the White Tara practice, benefitting ourselves and other sentient beings with spiritual blessings and other enrichments.

Lamrim Jan 3Sunday April 25th at 10:00am MST, Geshe Lobsang is offering the third eight week session on The Great Treatise on the Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment. During this third session, Geshe will continue to help us focus on the six parts of meditative serenity: 1)serenity and insight, 2)preparing for meditative serenity, 3)focusing our mind, 4)dealing with laxity and excitement, 5)attaining serenity, and 6)serenity as part of the path. Geshe Namgyal will conclude each class with instructions on hand mudras and Tibetan Buddhist Chanting. It is not necessary to have taken series 1 or 2 to join us

 Please register as follows:

1) Email emahoevents@emahofoundation.org .  We will then send you the link to the Webinar.  Please note that you will use the same link for all eight sessions.

2) The suggested donation is $10.00 a class or $60 for the series.  No one is turned away for lack of funds.  Donation can be made through Paypal.   Or by sending a check to Emaho Foundation, 11435 North Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85020.

Donations per class or per series


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Tashi Delek from the Za PANGTHANG nuns in Tehor, Tibet.

It’s common for the Tehor region to experience internet and primary power outages. We are waiting to receive new video updates.  We do know the weather in Tehor is unusually warm for this time of year.  The ground has softened, and work resumes on the nunnery.  As travel conditions become more favourable, volunteers from surrounding communities have been steadily arriving to help.  

In their last email, the nuns sent their gratitude and told us they include each of us in their daily prayers. 

To date, friends, supporters, well wishes and Emaho Sangha members have donated $11,769.07 to the nunnery project.  Each donation has been doubled for a total of $23,538.14.  We still have 7 weeks to go where every cent donated will be doubled.  100% of your donations will be given to the nuns on your behalf. 

The nunnery project is dear to many of us.  While we help our Tibetan spiritual sisters by supporting their ability to get building materials, we are strengthening our connection to them, and the people of Tehor, Tibet. To those who have donated, Emaho!  To those who will donate Emaho!  Donating towards this project is a rare opportunity indeed.  Om mani padme hum.  

Guru Yoga 38Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm April 6

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

The Tsok offering is an essential method for renewing commitments and averting obstacles. With this method, we come under the care and guidance of the Dakas and Dakinis, who bestow our eventual completion stage realization.

Our Guru is the embodiment of the Dharmakaya, the ultimate guru, the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and emptiness. Our conventional guru, the essence of which is the absolute guru.

Lamrim Jan 3Sunday February 28, 10:00am MST, Geshe Lobsang is offering the second eight week session on The Great Treatise on the Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment.  During this second session he will continue to help us focus on meditative serenity in six parts: serenity and insight, preparing for meditative serenity, focusing our mind, dealing with laxity and excitement, attaining serenity, and serenity as part of the path.

Geshe Namgyal will conclude each class with instructions on hand mudras and Tibetan Buddhist Chanting.

It is not necessary to have taken series 1 to join us.  


Losar 2021 1Please join us via Zoom welcoming the start of the Tibetan New Year, the year of the Iron Ox.  The Iron Ox is a fitting symbol of perseverance, energy, honesty and positivity.  The Iron Ox is associated with carefulness, loyalty and effort.   

Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal will begin the New Year celebration with early morning Losar Tsetor prayers, Palden Lhamo puja. Palden Lhamo is considered the official protector deity of Tibet.

Friday, February 12, prayers begin at 5:30 am, MST. 

Celebrate the new Tibetan year with prayers for love, compassion and wishes for health, happiness and peace.

Mantrathon 4Please join for our annual one-day Chenresig, Avalokiteshvara retreat.  This year we will be gathering virtually.  The mantrathon is a global community event with wishes for a year of beneficial resolution to world problems, a year of healing, happiness and peace.

Guru Yoga 2As requested, Rinpoche will teach དགའ་ལྡན་སྙན་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་བླ་མའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་ཉམས་སུ་བླངས་ཚུལ། “How to practice Guru Yoga from the Ganden Nyengyu Tradition” (Ear to ear Ganden lineage). This exceptional “Lamai Naljor” practice is the “pure vision lineage” of Master Tsongkhapa received from Manjushri who is directly connected to Vajradhara- the primordial Buddha. Guru Yoga is the root foundation of all spiritual attainments and it is the most powerful life force practice path in Tibetan Buddhist Gelugpa tradition. A sincere practice of Guru Yoga empowers the practitioner to receive the blessings of all Enlightened beings because the ultimate Guru is the non-dual nature of all the Buddhas of the three times. It is stated in the scriptures that a proper Guru Yoga is the most essential and mandatory practice in establishing genuine connection with our Guru. Most importantly it enables the practitioner’s mind to merge with the Master’s blissful wisdom which is the pure clear light nature of our primordial mind. Traditionally, this practice consists of six introductory dharma: སྦྱོར་ཆོས་དྲུག་དང་སྦྱོར་བ། 1) Cleaning the room and setting up altar. གནས་ཁང་བྱི་དོར་བྱས་ལ་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་རྟེན་དགྲམ་པ། 2) Finding pure offerings and arranging them well. མཆོད་པ་གཡོ་མེད་པ་བཙལ་ལ་བཀོད་པས་མཛེས་པར་བཤམ་པ། 3) Sitting in relaxation and generating good minds. སྟན་བདེ་བར་ཆོས་བདུན་ལྡན་དུ་འཁོད་དེ་སྐྱབས་འགྲོ་སེམས་བསྐྱེད་བྱ་བ། 4) visualizing the merit-field and inviting the wisdom-being. ཚོགས་ཞིང་གསལ་འདེབས་ལ་འགུག་བཞུགས་བྱ་བ། 5) Doing the seven-limbs prayer and offering the mandalas. བསག་སྦྱང་ཡན་ལག་བདུན་པ་བྱས་ལ་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་གསུམ་གྱི་མནྜལ་འབུལ་བ། 6) Requesting the blessings and dissolving into the heart. གསོལ་འདེབས་བྱིན་རླབས་ཞུས་ལ་སྙིང་དབུས་སུ་བསྟིམ་པར་བྱ་བ་བཅས་སོ།།
Guru Yoga class will be held via Zoom on Friday nights, beginning January 22, 8:00PM MST, Jan. 23, Saturday 3:00PM New Zealand time. After registration we will send you the Zoom code. The class will complete in 5 sessions( two hours) once a week and could run longer.

Please register as follows:

1) Email emahoevents@emahofoundation.org .  We will then send you the link to the Webinar and any handouts.  Please note that you will use the same link for all sessions.

2) The suggested donation is $108.  No one is turned away for lack of funds.  Donation can be made through Paypal.   Or by sending a check to Emaho Foundation, 11435 North Cave Creek Road, Phoenix, AZ 85020.

Lamrim Jan 3The Great Treatise on the Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment 

Of the many works of the Tibetan master Tsongkhapa, none compare in terms of popularity and breadth of influence with The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim Chen Mo), which has been treasured by practitioners and scholars alike for centuries.  What distinguishes it as one of the principal texts of Mahayana Buddhism is it's scope and clarity. The various stages of the path are presented so clearly and systematically that they can be easily understood and are inspiring to put into practice. 

Guru Yoga 38Please join Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal for Guru Yoga Tsok via Webinar at 7:00pm March 8

The Tsok offering puja is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist ceremony involving offerings of flowers, food, and drink to the Buddhas, the Bodhisattvas, and our spiritual Gurus in conjunction with prayers, chanting, and meditation. During the ceremony, we accumulate merit, purify negativity, and give and receive blessings. 

The Tsok offering is an essential method for renewing commitments and averting obstacles. With this method, we come under the care and guidance of the Dakas and Dakinis, who bestow our eventual completion stage realization.

Our Guru is the embodiment of the Dharmakaya, the ultimate guru, the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and emptiness. Our conventional guru, the essence of which is the absolute guru.