Transformative Healing Through the Medicine Buddha Practice
Saturday December 1 Medicine Buddha Empowerment
Sunday December 2 Workshop on healing using the Medicine Buddha practice
It has been requested of ZaChoeje Rinpoche to bestow the Medicine Buddha Empowerment.
In this chaotic time, and in particular as we enter the often hectic holiday season we can bring more balance and harmony by invoking our own innate healing nature. Medicine Buddha is considered the enlightened healing quality of all the Buddhas and, as well, our own true Buddha nature. By identifying with this aspect of Medicine Buddha we increase our healing power and bring beneficial results that allow us to bring more happiness into our lives and the lives of others.
Rinooche suggests that for the day of the empowerment, Saturday, you remain vegetarian. You are welcome to bring offerings of flowers for the empowerment, blue if you can find, any colored flowers are auspicious offerings. Sunday Rinpoche is concluding the empowerment weekend with Tsok. You are welcome to bring fruit, cookies and cake for the ceremony.
ZaChoeje Rinpoche will begin his ritual preparation to give the empowerment at 9:15am. You are welcome to come into the temple and meditate as he does his rituals. The empowerment begins at 10:00am
Please register:
Suggested donation $108.00
(no one is ever turned away for lack of funds)