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Becoming a Bodhisattva

ZaChoeje Rinpoche is offering a two day workshop September 28 and 29, 10:00am-4:00pm.

The word bodhisattva is derived from two Sanskrit words: bodhi and sattva. Bodhi means awakening and sattva means courageous being. Therefore, bodhisattva means a courageous being who is seeking awakening. By seeking awakening to help others, a bodhisattva cultivates various perfections and eventually will attain Buddhahood.
To become a bodhisattva is to become more confident, stronger, and more courageous towards helping oneself and others.  
During this two-day workshop, Rinpoche will teach us how we can find this aspiration and inspiration of bodhisattva that exists in our true nature.

Suggested donation $125.00.


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