Khapse is a traditional beloved Tibetan deep-fried pastry eaten and offered on special occasions. There are many kinds of Khapse. Geshe Namgyal will share with us Tehor Khapse, a beautiful, crispy sweet cookie to add to your holiday spread. He will share with us his recipe passed down in his family in ZaChoeje Rinpoche’s Tehore region of Eastern Tibet. Geshe is going to share with us traditional deep frying as well as Geshe is going to air fry a batch.
As the holidays approach and as many of us have the opportunity to safely gather with close family and friends, may Khapse join your celebration bringing the spirit of the Tibetan people to your table.
Geshe Lobsang and Geshe Namgyal look forward to sharing with you how to make this Tibetan sweet treat. Please join the Geshes, December 18, 9:00 am, zoom.
Zoom Webinar Link:
Webinar Passcode: Happiness / Webinar ID: 853 6100 6084
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