Dear friends in Dharma, Tashi Delek!
I hope this message finds you all well and safe. I am doing well in India.
2021 is coming to its end. As we look back over the past two years, these have turned out much differently than we could have imagined. For so many of us, the pandemic forced us to keep our physical distance from family, friends and our spiritual community. It has been challenging, affecting us in many difficult and often tragic ways.
In these tough times, we’ve stayed connected as best we can via our website, Zoom and Facebook. My hope is we have made these difficult times a little easier, soothing away some of our sorrows through understanding the true nature of suffering.
Despite personal finical stresses, I thank all of you who provided donations and supports for the successful building of the ZaPangthang nunnery project in the Tehor region of Eastern Tibet. Your outpouring of generosity has provided the nuns and the Tehor Tibetan community with the funds to complete the nunnery project. We achieved success despite adverse global circumstances. I hope as you celebrate the holidays with family and friends that you look back on this project with a profound shared sense of accomplishment.
Out of “The Wednesday’s with Rinpoche” Facebook live series, I am happy to announce a selected number of these teaching will be presented in my new book project, “Deep Resilience”. -Tibetan Wisdom for building Inner Strength. The book focuses on how we can build inner strength to live happier, more peaceful lives in the face of difficulty.
As 2021 draws close, I have been reflecting on the tools and techniques that Tibetan Buddhist practice can bring to us, helping us spiritually grow during these intensely trying and anxious days. With practice in times of difficulty, we can learn to not struggle over the struggle.
It will undoubtedly take a bit longer before we can come together in person, but that day will arrive. I am so appreciative of the positive mindset of our Emaho community despite the tough challenges we face as we all try to balance our ongoing responsibilities while caring for our loved ones and staying mentally resilient through unprecedented global events.
As we end this challenging year, we are moving into an encouraging New Year. If prevention efforts continue worldwide and the pandemic retreats, I send my fervent prayers that we can emerge safely from our isolation.
I keep you all in my daily prayers. I look forward to easier days in 2022 with wishes I can see you in person, that Emaho’s door and the international borders safely reopen so together we can unite with our spiritual family and dharma community.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Blessings and love.
ZaChoeje Rinpoche