Saka Dawa 14On Tuesday. June 14, 7:00pm Arizona time,please join us via zoom for one of the most auspicious Buddhist holy days, Saka Dawa. This is one of the most auspicious Tibetan Buddhist days, paying homage to Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana. It is said that positive actions done on this day are multiplied many times. 

In Tibet, this essential holy day is celebrated, remembering the life story of historical Buddha and by offering prayers of praises. Together, in-person or together on Zoom if you are unable to come to the center, we’ll recite Praises to Buddha, we'll chant Buddha’s mantra and join in silent meditation focusing on our fortune to have come into contact with the precious dharma, ZaChoeje Rinpoche and Emaho Geshe’s. Please join us.  

Zoom Webinar Information:

Passcode: Happiness  /  Webinar ID: 847 0489 4773

Emaho's Geshes will be reciting the following texts:

Homage and Praises to Shakyamuni Buddha

Seven Limbed Prayer

Praises and Chants


Long Life Prayer to ZaChoeje Rinpoche /
His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama