Thursday August 5, 7:00-8:00pm MST
Emaho Center is pleased to announce in-person diety meditation with Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang. With an abundance of caution, for now, we are asking you wear a mask and social distant while in the center. The center will open at 6:45pm, 15 minutes before meditation and close 15 minutes after meditation. We are so pleased to be bringing you such auspicious, great news. Medicine Buddha meditation will also be held on Zoom.
Medicine Buddha is an enlightened emanation of the healing Buddha, who applies active wisdom - alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings. By identifying with the healing and compassionate aspect of Medicine Buddha, we can bring beneficial results that allow us to bring happiness and wellbeing into our lives and the lives of others.
The suggested donation is $10. Emaho Foundation appreciates any donation to help us sustain our programs. Thank You!
Zoom Webinar Link:
Webinar Passcode: Dharma / Webinar ID: 859 3407 3801
Sadhana link: