Please join us in sending prayers of gratitude and prayers for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to live long in health and accomplishing.
Please join Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Lobsang as they recite His Holiness’ long life prayer. Together we will recite 1,000 Mani Padme Hums, the mantra of Avalokiteshvara, Chenrezig, the buddha of love and compassion with our deepest wishes His Holiness will have excellent health. As we chant we send our deepest wishes to His Holiness for excellent health and our profound gratitude for his life lived selflessly and untiringly for the benefit of all.
We honor His Holiness on his birthday, acknowledging his vast and generous contributions to steadfastly upholding the dharma, his extraordinary work for world peace, and for his resolute efforts in striving for the equity and wellbeing of all sentient beings. May the masters live long for the glory of dharma.
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Passcode: Dharma / Webinar ID: 847 0489 4773