Wheel of Sharp Weapons

 Saturday 8/24 and Sunday 8/25 from 10:00 to 4:00 - please join us!

Registration Steps:

  1. Email us at emahoevents@emahofoundation.org.  We will email the link to the Zoom webinar and recordings (if any) to this address. Please note that you will use the same link to attend all of the days/sessions. **It is important not to skip this step even if you plan to attend in person**
  2. The suggested donation is $108.00. It is Emaho center’s policy that no one should be turned away due to lack of funds. If you have any questions regarding donations, please email treasurer@emahofoundation.org 

Secure Donation via PayPal:

      Suggested Amount -- click here

      Other Amount -- click here