Nagarjuna's Precious Garland November 14-16 2008

An intensive workshop with ZaChoeje Rinpoche

The Four Noble Truths November 8 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche

Backdoor to Enlightenment WorkshopNovember 2 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
New Vision Center in Scottsdale

Mahamudra Teaching October 4 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche

Mahamudra October 4 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Mahamudra is an understanding, a practice, a technique that allows us to see the possibility of knowing that which is beyond the mind of our ordinary self to see what is luminous without conceptuality. Mahamudra is about everything, it is how things are, the true nature of phenomena.

Tibetan Wisdom of Living and Dying Part 2 September 20 2008

With a special focus on Phowa (transference of consciousness at the time of death)
ZaChoeje Rinpoche

With humor and compassion ZaChoeje Rinpoche teaches the Tibetan wisdom of living and dying and helps us through this knowledge to live happier and more fulfilled lives. This teaching will have a special focus on Phowa practice, the transferance of consciousness at the time of death. Phowa is among the most profound teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and teaches how to transfer one's consciousness at the time of death into a state of highest bliss. In Tibet, nomadic herders and other individuals who never had the opportunity to practice meditation would travel months to the nearest monastery to receive Phowa instructions at least once in their lives.

It is important to receive Phowa practice from an authentic lineage master. We are very fortunate that Rinpoche has agreed to teach about this powerful Vajrayana practice. Please join us in this auspicious occasion. It is not necessary to have attended Part 1 of the Living and Dying teaching.


Tibetan Wisdom of Living and Dying Part 1 September 6 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche

Introduction to the Four Schools August 23 2008

Geshe Jampa
The Four Schools: Vaibhashika, Sautrantika,Chittramatra (Yoga-charin) and Madhiamika.
It has been requested of Geshe Jampa to help us distinguish the differences as well as the commonalities of these four schools. Geshe-la will help us by giving an overview of the philosophical base of each. Understanding how these schools present the path to enlightenment clears away many of our misconceptions and takes us into the heart of Buddhist wisdom. Buddha provided divergent dispensations for various types of practitioners and from this vast well come different ways of understanding and then overcoming attachment to the phenomena of samsaric existence. Learning about the foundation of each, we get a glimpse into how Buddhism allows ordinary intellect to reach beyond and into the vastness of who we are and what we can become.

Workshop: 10 Virtuous Actions August 9 2008

Geshe Jampa
Geshe Jampa, with his vast understanding, will share the importance of the 10 positive actions, actions that are the cornerstones supporting the foundation to Buddha's wisdom and compassion. When we implement and engage in these actions, we free ourselves from suffering. Geshe-la will share the essence of these essential guidelines regarding fundamental action. By more fully understanding behavior and how our behavioral patterns bind us to wandering endlessly in samsara, the cycle of birth, sickness, old age and death, we see adopting positive action as tools that can break the chains that bind us to our misery. Geshe-la's teaching will allow us to understand how shifting our conduct can bring us increasing more freedom and happiness.

Science of the Mind July 19 and 26 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Science of the Mind from a Buddhist Point of View

With warm humor, Rinpoche, with his profound understanding of the Western mind, will demystify the seemingly mysterious Tibetan Buddhist Science of the Mind. The more we learn about our mind and its various working aspects, the deeper we can explore without confusion, fear or doubt. The more we learn, study and utilize that which is taught, the sooner we cease creating our own misery.

The Science of the Mind offers us ways to release our tenacious hold on negative mental factors, selfishness, hatred, and greed. Knowing how the mind works is science. Learning ways to transform our attitudes and ways of thinking from the negative to the positive is the gift from our kind and venerable master. Putting in practice the tools given to us by our teacher is the thread that weaves us in unbroken footsteps back to Buddha himself.

Guru Yoga Workshop July 12 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Guru Yoga Workshop with Guru Puja Transmission

Please join us at Emaho Center, Saturday, July 12 from 1 to 4 pm for the rare opportunity to receive from Rinpoche the transmission of Guru Yoga, Lama ‘i Naljor.

ZaChoeje Rinpoche has been asked and he has kindly accepted our request to give the transmission of Guru Yoga, Lama ‘i Naljor.  This practice, also known as the practice of merging one’s mind with the mind of the master, is one of the most important in Vajrayana Buddhism. It brings us to trust, through the blessing of the teacher, our own enlightened nature. Rinpoche will explain in detail the practice and its relevance to attaining happiness and the causes of happiness.

The word Guru means master. It infers not only the external master but our own individual Buddha nature. The word Yoga means the practice of unifying the master’s and our own Buddha nature as one. The result is a firm spiritual foundation that gives us new tools to deal with fluctuating changes and unexpected challenges. We learn to harness our Buddha nature.

As we practice Guru Yoga we learn to trust our precious Buddha nature, enabling us to accept the circumstances of our lives with appreciation and strength. As we live with admiration, inspiration and faith we live more fully, without regret. With the new-found strength that is generated through the practice of Guru Yoga we learn to live unafraid. With the new-found compassion that is generated through the practice of Guru Yoga our hearts open not only to others but to our own selves. With the new-found wisdom that is generated through the practice of Guru Yoga we joyfully embrace the precious moments as they naturally unfold.  Through the practice of Guru Yoga we are able to make our lives spiritual and meaningful for the sake of all.

Chenrezig Empowerment      July 6 2008

Rinpoche offered the Chenrezig Empowerment on this auspicious day, the birthday of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Download flyer.

Lam Rim Semester Study June 13-22 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Lam Rim Chen-Mo, Volume 2, The Stages of the Path for Persons with Great Capacity and the Six Perfections.

Friday, June 13, 7-8 PM
Saturday, June 14, 10 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, June 15, 10 AM - 12 PM
Saturday, June 21, 10 AM- 4 PM
Sunday, June 22, 10 AM - 4 PM

Saka Dawa Celebration        June 18 2008

Rinpoche will lead a combined guided Bodhicitta meditation and traditional Saka Dawa Celebration.

Saka Dawa, an auspicious day in Tibetan Buddhism, is the celebration of Buddha Shakyamuni's birthday, enlightenment and Parinirwana (passing away). In Tibet, this is the most important holy day of the year, a day to remember Buddha.

According to Tibetan tradition, the day that marks the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni's enlightenment and parinirvana is the full moon day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar. According to Theravada tradition it is marked on full moon day of the third month lunar calendar.

Introduction to the Middle Way February/March 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Chandrakirti's Introduction to the Middle Way.
February 23, 2008
March 29, 2008

Bodhicitta       Saturday February 9, 2008

Geshe Jampa
Introduction to Buddhism. Bodhicitta, the Compassionate Mind.

Nagarjuna's Precious Garland       February/March 2008

ZaChoeje Rinpoche
Nagarjuna, born 2000 years ago, interweaves advice for the development of compassion with the wisdom of realizing emptiness.
February 16, 2008
March 15, 2008

Introduction to Buddhism      January 2008

Geshe Jampa
January 26 - The Four Noble Truths
January 27 - Taking Refuge in the Three Jewels

Mantrathon     January 20, 2008

Vajrasattva Mantra